When it comes to fighting obesity, some people will turn to appetite control pills. In some people, if used right, these can be very helpful and safe, but this certainly isn’t the case for everyone. Make sure that the negative effects of these are not outweighing the good that they can do by helping you lose weight and keep it off.
There is a major obesity problem currently ongoing in the United States. Being obese or overweight causes many health problems, such as hypertension, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, strokes, and depression. And in our commercial lives, it only makes sense that companies are going to take advantage of this fact. If you have thought about trying a weight loss product to help you get down to a healthy weight and start living a healthier life, make sure that you are using a product that will be helpful in a positive manner. There are many scams out there looking for your money, and there are even some things out there that are dangerous for you. Do your research and make sure that you are doing yourself more good than harm.
Appetite control pills are one important product that has come under scrutiny. Many people wonder if these pills are safe, or if they even work. The first thing to take into consideration is the fact that these pills alone will not give you long term success. You need to mix in some other healthy activities with this if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Eating right and getting exercise is very important if you want to have lasting results.
These appetite control pills can be a great way to get a jumpstart on improving your health, but they are certainly not for everyone. Some people have had serious side effects creep in in the past when using these drugs. Some of these include elevated heart rate, sweating, insomnia, and several other maladies. These are not common, but they do happen from time to time, and this means that only people who absolutely need to take prescription strength weight loss drugs should take them. Generally, this includes healthy people with a body mass index number of 30 or higher with no weight related health issue and people with BMIs of 27 or higher with a weight issue, such as type 2 diabetes.
If you are thinking about taking a drug to help you lose weight, make sure that you are doing all you can first in order to avoid taking drugs. Start walking a half hour per day. Eat less fast food and more fruits and vegetables. Even a prescription strength weight loss drug is not going to give you great results if you aren’t trying these things out. For example, the drug Xenical only has an average annual weight loss of about 12 to 13 pounds. If you are obese and start cutting out 500 calories per day, you can loss one pound of fat each week. This might seem tough, but for people that eat 3,000 calories or more per day and are not very active, this is actually quite easy to do.
The important thing to consider is your heart healthy diet. Drugs have side effects and they treat different people differently. You can have success with an appetite suppressant pill, but you need to make lifestyle changes if you want to keep that weight off long term.
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