Look, today is not yesterday.
That is, today is a new day and as we’ve noted before, the low vol. regime is the market’s perpetual topic du jour.
So, today’s hot topic is the same as yesterday’s hot topic and tomorrow’s hot topic will be the same as today’s and yesterday’s.
All of that can only mean one thing: there are more analyst notes out on Monday morning about the low vol. regime.
To be sure, Deutsche Bank’s Aleksandar Kocic relegated everyone else’s take on market complacency to also-ran status late last week. You can read his epic piece in “‘Turbo-Complacency’’ Fear Gets A ‘New Dimension’ In Kocic’s Latest Masterpiece.”
But just because topping Kocic is for all intents and purposes impossible, others will still be inclined to pen still more missives on the subject and I suppose “the more the merrier” applies.
So with that, here’s Goldman’s latest which finds the bank observing that the VIX call/put ratio is back to highs last seen in 2014 and 2007 – only to summarily dismiss that as a meaningful predictor of subsequent vol. moves.
Via Goldman
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