QUESTION: Dear Martin
I hope your well and having a good 2015 thus far.
I don’t know whether you planned it but after your post regarding people trying to pass your work off as their own a funny thing happened.
I was at a luncheon in London with some so called “important” and knowledgeable figures.
The conversation shifted regarding the economy and it took a totally different direction. Usually these people only talk about P/E, Debt to GDP etc etc however this time cycles were mentioned and how everything was revolving around 8+ years, boom and bust!! I have been attending these meetings for over 8 years and not once has a bicycle been mentioned let alone a cycle.
I was speechless and these so called economists started to talk about the EU and the USA. The error they made was they said the USA would rally along with Germany(DAX) into 2017! It was just one day later when you released your post on how the USA may rally into 2017 but Germany(Dax) may top in 2015.75(ecm). I laughed to myself when I read your post as clearly these fools read your blog and then try their very best to somehow pass it off as their own work.
I think that the DAX topping in 2015.75 and the USA markets rally for a further 18 months or so is something that has caught everyone by surprise.
May I ask when in history has their been a case where the US market rallied and the Europe started a deep decline this much earlier. I know from time to time they do not move in symphony but from what your computer is predicting this will be a historical event.
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this and well done again for all your work. I will be meeting these people again in 3 months and I don’t think I will keep my mouth closed. I may just have to say in front of 20+ people anyone ever heard of “Martin Armstrong.” Thumb sucking moment for these academics I think!!!
I leave you with what I always say to you, “form is temporary, class is permanent!” and you sir definitely have “class.”
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