Photo Credit: Liz West
A friend I haven’t heard from in many years since he left the USA wrote me. He closed the letter in an unusual way, saying:
PS — USA has gone completely bonkers these days? or what the heck is going on over there? would love to pick your mind over a glass of wine. someday!
I’m not intending on writing on politics as a regular habit at Aleph Blog, and most of what I am going to say is economics-related, so please bear with me. Hopefully this will get it out of my system.
To my friend,
There are a lot of frustrated people in the US. Though you’ve been gone a long time, you used to know me pretty well; after all, I trained you on economic matters.
Let me give a list of reasons why I think people are frustrated, then explain how that affects their political calculations, and finally explain why they have mostly misdiagnosed the issues, and won’t get what they want regardless of who is elected.
The electorate is frustrated because:
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