A Comprehensive Discussion of the Economy and Financial Markets
The Incrementum Fund’s advisory board has held its quarterly meeting on January 10, and the transcript has just become available. Readers can download the transcript via the link below this post.
Unfortunately two board members (Dr. Frank Shostak and Rahim Taghizadegan) were unable to attend this time. We hope that you will nevertheless find the board’s discussion of a wide range of topics relevant to today’s financial markets interesting.
Gold rises to an all time high against commodities – a strong sign that economic confidence is waning
We would especially point to the debate surrounding central bank credibility (or the “confidence bubble” as Mark Valek refers to it), which we believe is probably the most important subject investors need to confront these days. As we have recently mentioned, Jim Rickards has as always made a number of very interesting remarks on the finer points of Fed policy.
He inter alia pointed out that the Fed’s flexibility tends to be hampered in election years, as it doesn’t want to be seen as influencing the election outcome. This could be especially relevant this year (a similarity to the years 2000 and 2007/8, we might add), as it happens just as the economy and the markets appear to be at a crossroads.
US dollar index, daily – the board’s consensus was that the dollar would no longer make much headway against major currencies, as the Fed was likely to soften its stance. So far this seems to be the case – not even the ECB and the BoJ were able to put pressure on their currencies beyond a single trading day
Recent moves in the gold price and the fact that a number of other markets have also begun to act in a manner that seems no longer consistent with what the planners would presumably like to happen, certainly appear to indicate that the irrational faith of market participants in the “central bank put” is slowly but surely crumbling.
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