For the past 5+ years, we have seen the banking crime syndicate maintaining an ABSOLUTE choke-hold over gold and silver markets, where despite the most bullish fundamentals in history, prices have ground steadily sideways-to-lower.
During those years, we saw prices continually knocked lower, primarily any time some Fed-head passed wind…until this year, when (supposedly) gold (and silver?) have reverted to being back in “bull markets”. The born-again “bulls” of the mainstream media now even include notorious bullion-short, JPMorgan, gushing about how gold has entered “a new and very long bull market”.Gold has entered a new bull market: JPMorgan
But what do we see today…?
A Fed-head passed wind, and the gold market immediately plummeted lower.
The idea that any market would move at all, because these Compulsive Liars spouted more drivel about “raising interest rates,” is preposterous. The idea that a market which has (supposedly) just entered a “new and very long bull market” would plunge based on nothing but more of these lies is even more preposterous.
Look again at the chart above. Does that look like the beginning of “a new and very long bull market”? No, it looks like more of the same.
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