There is a general consensus that valuation indicators are not very useful for market timing. Despite this, the financial media and the blogosphere feature an avalanche of articles warning that the market is seriously overvalued. Your retirement account might drop 50% at any moment. There are countless worries in the world.
Many investors have been “scared witless” (TM OldProf) by this, missing out on a great opportunity. Is it now too late? What is the current potential for market gains?
Here are three things you do not know about valuation:
The oft quoted indicators are not currently endorsed by their developers, only by those of the bearish persuasion.
- Warren Buffett described his “favorite valuation indicator,” the stock market cap to GDP ratio, in 2001. The current high readings are gleefully cited by many. Warren Buffett himself, while not specifically repudiating the indicator, has often noted that it does not work when interest rates are so low. He has repeatedly said that investors should prefer stocks to bonds in the current market climate. Charlie Munger has said the same thing. There have been many stories about this, but they are mostly ignored.
- Prof. Shiller’s CAPE ratio shows an overvalued market and is frequently cited. No one ever mentions that Prof. Shiller himself is more than fully invested in stocks for someone of his age. He cut exposure a bit last fall, but does not recommend the “all-in, all-out” approach of many who quote him. Whenever he is asked in an interview he explains that young people should certainly own and hold stocks. He never advocates using CAPE for market timing. He has young people. Barclay’s seems to have pulled the page with the Shiller endorsement, although the CAPE Fund is still trading. My article explains the methodology.
- Tobin’s Q was invented in the 50’s by a great economist. It emphasized the replacement cost of major companies. If he were alive today, this brilliant man would be revising his methods to explain modern technology companies, as well as stocks like Amazon (AMZN), Google (GOOGL), and Facebook (FB). It is not fair to apply methods designed for a world with more manufacturing to one so different. No one uses this method for individual stock analysis. Only a few people profit from writing about this aged and obsolete indicator.
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