Market Cap to GDP is a long-term valuation indicator that has become popular in recent years, thanks to Warren Buffett. Back in 2001 he remarked in a Fortune Magazine interview that “it is probably the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment.”
The four valuation indicators we track in our monthly valuation overview offer a long-term perspective of well over a century. The raw data for the “Buffett indicator” only goes back as far as the middle of the 20th century. Quarterly GDP dates from 1947, and the Fed’s balance sheet has quarterly updates beginning in Q4 1951. With an acknowledgement of this abbreviated timeframe, let’s take a look at the plain vanilla quarterly ratio with no effort to interpolate monthly data.
The strange numerator in the chart title, NCBEILQ027S, is the FRED designation for Line 41 in the B.103 balance sheet (Market Value of Equities Outstanding), available on the Federal Reserve website. Here is a link to a FRED version of the chart through Q2 of this year. Incidentally, the numerator is the same series used for a simple calculation of the Q Ratio valuation indicator.
The Latest Data
The denominator in the charts below now includes the Advance Estimate of Q4 GDP. The latest numerator value is Q3 data from the Fed’s “Corporate Equities; Liability” using the Wilshire 5000 index quarterly growth for an extrapolated estimate for Q4. The indicator is now just under 2 standard deviations from its mean. The current reading is 115.3%, up from 114.4% for the Third Estimate for Q3 GDP. It is off its 129.8% interim high in Q1 of 2015 and below the +2SD level after seven quarters at or above that benchmark.
Here is a more transparent alternate snapshot over a shorter timeframe using the Wilshire 5000 Full Cap Price Index divided by GDP. We’ve used the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s FRED respository as the source for the stock index numerator (WILL5000PRFC). The Wilshire Index is a more intuitive broad metric of the market than the Fed’s rather esoteric “Non-financial corporate business; corporate equities; liability, Level”. This Buffett variant is off its interim high of Q2.
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