When it comes to fighting obesity, some people will turn to appetite control pills. In some people, if used right, these can be very helpful and safe, but this certainly isn’t the case for everyone. Make sure that the negative effects of these are not outweighing the good that they can do by helping you lose weight and keep it off. There is a major obesity problem currently ongoing in the United States. Being obese or overweight causes many health problems, such as hypertension, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, strokes, and depression. And in our commercial lives, it only makes sense that companies are going to take advantage of this fac...
Following the central bank’s monthly report, the Bundesbank has downgraded growth forecasts in Germany for both this and next year. However, the institution suggests a recovery for the euro area may well be on the horizon, having recorded a rise in business confidence in May. Bundesbank cut its December projections for 2013 from 0.4 to 0.3, and stated that growth would amount to 1.5 percent in 2014, a 0.4 percent drop on the previous estimation. The revised figures were “due mainly to downward revisions with regard to the external environment,” said the bank. The downgrade follows the IMF’s decision to cut it’s 2013 growth forecast ...
Welcome! Welcome to our guest blogging page! Please read our blogging guidelines before getting started. If you have any questions, shoot us an email and we will get back to you with an answer. We are excited to have you post on our site. Guest blogging is a great way to share valuable information and generate some traffic to your business or personal website. What should your blog consist of? Writing Guidelines: Your post must consist of original work and may not be taken from any other sources. If you decide to use quotations for other peoples work, please cite your source Posts should be well-written and valuable to our readers The topic a...
An ongoing patent war between technologies conglomerates Apple and Samsung ordinarily ends with Apple being the victor. The tables have turned recently when a trade agency ruled that several of Apple’s older products violate a Samsung patent and as a result a ban was ordered on these products in the United States. According to the International Trading Commission the iPhone 4, 3GS and 3 models that are adaptable to AT&T as well as the AT&T 3G-connected version of the iPad and iPad 2 are prohibited from being imported or sold in the US. The specific patent that is infringed upon is a Samsung patent for encoding mobile communications....
At the recent IMF Spring Meetings, experts highlighted the discrepancies in the growth rates of countries around the world. PwC, who six months ago coined the term “two-speed economy”, has revised its analysis to include a third speed lane. “Whilst the eurozone continues to focus on crisis management and Japan puts the finishing touches to its reforms, the US appears to be breaking away from the pack and gradually returning to trend growth,” PwC says in its monthly Global Economy Watch. According to PwC “emerging and developing economies continue to be in the ‘fast lane’”. According to their internal analysis BRIC countries wi...
Emerging market currency exposure is becoming more important to investors and corporations alike. In the post-crisis world, emerging market regions have been seen as an investment alternative to the troubled G10. An environment of extremely low yields in developed markets has made the higher yields available in emerging markets more attractive – particularly as the fiscal and national debt positions of many emerging sovereigns now compare favourably to those of developed economies. With a large proportion of global economic growth contributed by emerging nations, the case for investment in emerging markets appears even more convincing. Corp...
The country is grappling with a credible strategy to enable it to raise funds to remain solvent. Slovenia needs to present a suitable economic reform programme to the European Commission later this week. By selling state-owned bank Nova KBM and telecoms firm Telekom the government hopes it will be able to avoid an international bailout. The Bank of Slovenia has urged the government to speed up privatisations in sectors where “the market is more effective than state ownership,” but gave no further details. Due to the €7bn total of bad loans amalgamated by the mostly state-owned Slovenian banks, it is likely they will have to be separated...
Whereas Asian shares have been capped amid ongoing fears of enfeebled global growth, stronger than expected US job data growth has propelled Japanese equities to a near five-year high. European stock markets incited the Asian cap, with financial spreadbetters anticipating London’s FTSE 100, Paris’s CAC-40 and Frankfurt’s DAX to open down as much as 0.3 percent. Tetsu Emori, commodities sales manager at Astmax Investments in Tokyo reported that: “The current fundamentals are very weak, with China slowing down and with US demand not so strong.” US futures were down a comparatively softer 0.1 percent, after the S&P 500 Index close...
Data released on April 25 revealed Spanish unemployment to have reached 27.2 percent, the highest such figure at least since the nation’s transition to democracy in 1976 – when records began. The report has fuelled European debate in questioning the proven effectiveness of austerity, with many wishing to switch conversely to reviving economic growth. The figures reveal for over six million Spaniards to have endured unemployment through the first three months of 2013 – with 57 percent of under-25s out of education unable to find work. The likes of which represent joblessness having grown seven quarters in a row, in effect leaving more Sp...
Need cash but miles away from the closest ATM belonging to your bank? Unfortunately, using another bank’s ATM is going to cost you more than usual. The cost of fees charged to non-customers by banks for using their ATMs increased by 20% from 2007 to 2012. Some banks are charging fees as high as $5. Using an outside bank’s ATM also involves a fee charged by one’s personal bank as a penalty for using a competing bank’s services. Luckily, this fee has not increased as significantly, only very slightly. The increase in ATM fees could potentially cost individuals hundreds of dollars this year. Fees don’t appear likely to...