Tuesday the Dow fell because of weakness from Goldman Sachs (the Dow is price weighted and Goldman has a high price) while the other indexes were mixed. Ignoring today’s action and focusing on the l...
So if you were looking for a ballsy bitcoin call, there you have it. Goldman got hit after a FICC fumble that everyone saw coming from a goddamn mile away only to suddenly turn around and act surpris...
Last quarter, IBM almost fooled the market when it “beat” but only thanks to using the lowest (until then) effective non-GAAP tax rate in recent history (excluding one charge-filled qu...
With the ECB meeting this week, the Bank Of Canada raising rates last week, and the Fed continuing to talk about unwinding its balance sheet the markets have only taken notice on the long end of yield...
Government Helped June Labor Report The private sector drives jobs growth in America, so most economists view public sector growth as bad because it’s unsustainable. The worst case would be a growin...
“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou And just like the Nasdaq closed at new highs on the back of NFLX earnings. We’ve got more heavy hitters on deck so w...
Bears, man! WHERE DID YOU GO!? Actually had the S&P 500 down about about 8-9 points lower at one point today, but that ended with a sharp buying spree that took price back up to just below breakev...
The IBM 2Q 2017 earnings report was released after closing bell tonight, and the company posted non-GAAP earnings of $2.97 per share on $19.3 billion in sales, compared to the consensus estimates of...
Ecolab (ECL) is arguably one of the most reliable businesses that money can buy, which is perhaps why the company is a large holding in Bill Gates’ dividend portfolio here. Although Ecolab’s divi...
Ecolab (ECL) is arguably one of the most reliable businesses that money can buy, which is perhaps why the company is a large holding in Bill Gates’ dividend portfolio here. Although Ecolab’s divi...