A short history of paper money – It Fails!
Suppose you had a printing press in your basement along with a supply of perfect paper. You could slip down to your basement and print a batch of perfect $100 notes or 500 euro notes, but only in an emergency.
I predict that you would find many emergencies.
Suppose the government or central bank had access to that printing press (they do) and suppose they printed (and borrowed) ONLY in circumstances of economic need, political promises, war, necessary deficits, Presidential junkets, Wall Street bailouts, economic stimulus, vote buying, “emergencies,” and “special circumstances.”
Sound familiar? What could go wrong?
And that is the problem with central banks, deficit spending, paper money, digital money, fiat money, and debt based money. There is minimal control or limit on its creation. The western world lives with all the above but pretends to have no clue regarding why:
But what could go wrong …
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