The Chart of the Day belongs to Alpha & Omega Semiconductor (Nasdaq: AOSL). I found the semiconductor stock by using Barchart to sort the Russell 3000 Index stocks first for the highest technical buy signals, then I used the Flipchart feature to review the charts. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 1/29 the stock gained 16.13%.
Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited is engaged in designing, developing and supplying a broad range of power semiconductors globally, including a portfolio of Power MOSFET and Power IC products. The Company seeks to differentiate itself by integrating its expertise in device physics, process technology, design and advanced packaging to optimize product performance and cost. Its portfolio of products targets high-volume end-market applications, such as notebooks, netbooks, flat panel displays, mobile phone battery packs, set-top boxes, portable media players and power supplies. The products are incorporated into devices by original equipment manufacturers, or OEMs. The Company utilizes third-party foundries for all of its wafer fabrication and it deploys and implements its proprietary MOSFET processes at these third party foundries. The Company relies upon its in-house capacity and an associated provider for most of its packaging and testing requirements.
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