January 2016 marks the starting point of a cyclical trend change. Please, take note of this sentence, as it will have a big impact for the future returns of your portfolio. Stock markets around the world collapsed, in a disorderly manner. In the US, the most important indices lost between 5 and 7 percent. Across the oceans, there was even more damage done: Japan down 8%, Germany down 9%!
This whole thing is starting to smell like 2008. With one big difference: GOLD.
The returns in the gold market were exceptionally good, especially against the market backdrop. The gold price increased by 5 percent. The gold mining sector jumped by 9 percent!
On a monthly basis, this implies a 10 to 20 percent outperformance for the gold market. Now that’s what we call a ‘trend reversal’
Bull Market in Gold is waiting for you
And you know the famous financial words: ‘As goes January, so goes the year’.
This is even more true for the commodity markets, due to their volatile nature. And the proof is already out there. An internal market study shows that various stocks are already going higher, faster!
Big institutional investors, the so-called smart money, is always quick to position capital in the ‘best of breed’ segment when the market makes such a U-turn.
As an astute investor, you don’t want to be missing out on these kind of market turning points. You want to be invested in the Best Gold & Silver Mining Stocks, of course.
As 2016 marks the first big step is a secular trend change, many more of these ‘price re-ratings’ will follow… Soon!
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