The Chart of the Day is Anavex Life Sciences (OTCQX:AVXL). I found the biopharmaceutical stock by using Barchart to sort for the stocks with a Weighted Alpha of higher than 50.00+ and technical buy signals of 80% or better. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 10/2 the stock gained 18.75%.
The Company is an emerging biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of novel drug targets for the treatment of cancer and neurological diseases. The company’s proprietary SIGMACEPTOR Discovery Platform involves the rational drug design of compounds that fulfill specific criteria based on unmet market needs and new scientific advances. Selected drug candidates demonstrate high, non-exclusive affinity for sigma receptors, which are involved in the modulation of multiple cellular biochemical signaling pathways.
The status of Barchart’s Opinion trading systems are listed below. Please note that the Barchart Opinion indicators are updated live during the session every 10 minutes and can therefore change during the day as the market fluctuates. The indicator numbers shown below therefore may not match what you see live on the web site when you read this report.
Barchart technical indicators:
Fundamental factors:
The 50- 100 Day MACD Oscillator has been a reliable technical trading strategy for this stock
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